German videos and listening texts with exercises

Hör- und Videoübungen zum Deutschlernen

The following online exercises will help you to train your listening comprehension and active vocabulary. In the table you can select the exercises according to the appropriate level (A1-C1). If you are looking for specific exercises for a particular language level, you can also click directly on the appropriate level on the overview page. 

Have fun practicing and learning German!


German with videos: The magician for dogs

Learn German with interactive videos! The video is about magic and magic tricks - you should first solve the vocabulary task at the beginning to better understand the video. Then watch the video! During the video you have to solve tasks related to the content. If you click on the star at the bottom of the bar, you can see all the tasks and your points again or jump to the tasks again. If you want to do the whole exercise again from the beginning, reload this page. 

The exercise is suitable for levels A2 and B1. Have fun!

Deutsch lernen mit Videos: der Hundemagier

 Mehr Übungen zu dem Video auf der Webseite von der Deutschen Welle: Zaubern für Hunde

Listening exercise: Introducing yourself and pronunciation training

You will hear various short listening texts about the people. For the listening texts you have to answer the tasks. Always read the tasks first and then listen to the listening texts. You should only listen to the listening text a maximum of 2 times and then solve the tasks. These listening texts are also examples for the 1st task for the part "Speaking" in the A1 exam at the Goethe Institute.

At the end you can practice your pronunciation yourself. Repeat the beginnings of the sentences and the computer will try to understand you. If the computer cannot understand you, you need to practice your pronunciation even better. 

The exercise is suitable for level A1. Have fun!

Deutsch lernen mit Videos: der Hundemagier

Exercise 1: listening texts and related tasks


Exercise 2: Pronunciation training

For this exercise you need the Chrome Browser from Google (unfortunately it does not work with other browsers) and you have to accept the release request for your microphone.

First read the tasks and solve them. Then click on the button "Drücken um zu sprechen". Afterwards you repeat and you will automatically get the answer if it was recognized correctly.

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